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True Confessions: Cacophony/Euphony

True Confessions: Cacophony/Euphony

40" x 30"

Fabric Scraps purchased from the Stitchin' Post in Sisters, Oregon

Improvisionally Cut and Pieced, Machine Quilted, Faced

I have a hard time with quilting challenges, prompts, and assignments. I see so many possibilities which makes it very hard to choose. I start and stop over and over again in my head and on the design wall.

Many of these ideas become quilts, but most of them do not fit the perimeters of the “assignment”.

After many ideas, I decided that the quilt I started from an eight dollar bag of scraps purchased at the Stitching Post in Sister’s Oregon would be my quilt about sound.

Being an abstract artist whose primary interest is in color, pattern, and repetition, I decided to try and play those things out as pieced sound.

That was all that mattered. It wasn’t about a particular sound or how sound is perceived or made.

The eyes and the ears love pattern and repetition. They search for it, create it, call it back, and remember it.

This quilt made me think cacophony! But then I looked up the definition of cacophony which is “a harsh discordant mixture of sounds”.

I do see that in this quilt, but I also see euphony— “the quality of being pleasing to the ear, especially through a harmonious combination of words”.

It is both—a jumble and a pattern, a shout and a murmur, a riot and a gathering.

I like it so much that I think all of quilts for these challenges will passed on eight dollar scrap bags.

True Confessions: Cacophony/Euphony

40H’’ x 30W’’

Based on the contents of an eight dollar scrap bag, machine pieced and quilted, faced.

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