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Time Fragments #21: Detour


30" W x 40"H

Gallery1-6 Road

My husband and I have spent many, many hours in the car traveling for vacations. Country roads, city roads, dirt roads, paved roads, roads in whiteout conditions and in rain so thick you can't see where you are going.

Over time, it has evolved that he drives ( he says I drive too slow and it makes him crazy- I think it's a control thing...) and I navigate. Now, let me preface this with the fact I have no sense of direction. Zero, zip , nothing concerning directionality exists in my brain. So terse words may have been spoken by both parties when we have gotten lost. And, I admit, it is usually my fault. I am a poor navigator and a slow driver. But I have never gotten a ticket. He may have gotten several.

Detour detail

Navigation tools on our smart phones have definitely helped make our travels less stressful. However, the word detour and the signage detour kind of leave a sick feeling in my stomach. Because my husband thinks he can find a shorter route than the route planned out by the local detour experts.

Husband: "Google alternate route."

Wife: "Isn't that what the detour is?"

Husband: "There has to be an alternate route. A shorter detour. Just find out what it is."

Wife: Silence.

Now it's his turn to get us lost because we aren't following the right route on the right roads that the detour sign has suggested. And I have to smile secretly to myself and not complain. He is a great husband and great driver who just has to seek his own route. He has a obsession with collecting road signage over our travels. Thought I would share it with you.

All signs were collected via flea markets, antique stores or estate sales along our road trip travels.

Time Fragments #21:Detour

30"W x 40" H

Machine Pieced and Machine quilted

Hand dyed fabrics

Gallery 1-6 Road

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