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I have lots of time to develop the idea for the next prompt. And I have scribbled down many ideas over the months since being assigned my time to introduce it. But nothing really jumped out at me I wanted an idea that could be interpreted in many different ways as I am enjoying seeing how our different voices are being heard loud and clearly.

But I am obsessed with the topic of time. I even have a series named Time Fragments that is still loud and clear in my head. But Time Fragments is really about loss of memory. Fragments of time lost as one ages.

So time is the next prompt.

How much time do I spend on a task?

How much time do I waste on social media?

What about multitasking - is it really time efficient?

When did you have the "time of your life" ?

What time of life do you remember most clearly?

What time of day or night do you enjoy the most?

Are you on time for appointments or chronically late?

How do you use your down time?

Vintage watch faces from a flea market

I am excited to see how you will interpret the Time Prompt. Let us know if you waited until the last minute to do the the piece.

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