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Hashtag life

My final piece as a member of Cloth in Common is inspired by the masks we all wear in public and specifically the masks we wear on social media. If you are honest with yourself you will acknowledge that we all 'edit' the life we present on social media - you may choose not to share your political views or you may choose not to share things that upset you. But where does this end?

There is growing evidence that social media can place extraordinary pressure on young people to confirm to a certain life pattern. Always upbeat, happy, excited. With the best job ever and the best boyfriend ever. To be popular, to have a great social life. To be skinny, to have perfect hair and snazzy nails. The list goes on.

Not everybody lives that life. Does anybody live that life? What happens behind the mask? What happens when that mask cracks?

Title: Hashtag

Size: 20 inches x 30 inches

Materials: Artists own breakdown printed and dyed fabrics.

Techniques: Fused applique and machine embroidery

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