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I have had many identities in my life. “Preacher’s Kid”, daughter, sister, student, worker, revolutionary, and artist, to name a few. One thing has always been clear for me: my gender identity is female.

But there is a growing awareness that clarity is the last thing some people feel about their gender identity. This is different from sexual orientation. That involves who you go to bed with. Gender identification involves who you go to bed as.

Studies released in 2016 estimate the proportion of Americans who identify as transgender at 0.5 to 0.6%. This would put the total number of transgender Americans at approximately 1.4 million adults (as of 2016). As this development has been unfolding, some have realized that they are neither gender, or a bit of both. (In some cases, tragically, too late – after surgical transformation has taken place.)

Non-binary is becoming the accepted term for a person who identifies neither male nor female. (The pronouns to use are highly controversial. One progressive advocate in Hawaii put it this way, “I want to respect their challenges, but the use of ‘their’ for a single person is making me crazy.”)

Several nonbinary teenagers say that they are not looking for a way to be a girl or boy that stretched conventional definitions. “Their gender identity was a visceral feeling, they said, not a political choice — and one that could bring with it social ostracism.” (NYT, Which Box Do You Check? Some States are Offering a non-Binary Option. May 29, 2019 by Amy Harmon.)

I have long felt that there is a continuity on matters of sexual orientation. That each person has their own cocktail mix of “straightness” and “gayness.” I now think that that complicated personal cocktail mix includes a fluidity of gender identity. Some of us are completely and utterly male or female. But many of us can acknowledge a bit of the opposite gender in our makeup. And some are neither, or just plain both.

How to express this in a quilt?

So far, I have no idea!

私は私の人生に多くのアイデンティティを持っています。 「説教者の子供」、娘、姉妹、学生、労働者、革命家、そして芸術家。 1つ確かなことがあります。私の性別は女性です。


2016年に発表された研究は、トランスジェンダーであると識別するアメリカ人の割合を0.5〜0.6%と推定しています。これにより、トランスジェンダー系アメリカ人の総数は約140万人の成人となります(2016年現在)。この開発が展開しているので、何人かは彼らが性別ではない、または両方のビットではないことに気づいています。 (場合によっては、悲劇的に、遅すぎる - 外科的治療が行われた後。)

非バイナリーは、男性も女性も識別しない人にとって受け入れられる用語になりつつあります。 (使用する代名詞は非常に物議を醸しています。ハワイでは、私は彼らの挑戦を尊重したいのですが、一人の人に「彼らの」を使うのはおかしいと言っています。)

何人かの非バイナリティーンエイジャーは、彼らは従来の定義を広げた女の子や男の子になる方法を探していないと言います。 「彼らのジェンダーアイデンティティは内臓的な感情であり、政治的な選択ではなく、社会的オストラシズムをもたらす可能性のあるものでした」(NYT、あなたはどのボックスをチェックしますか。 2019 Amy Harmon著)




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