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Inner circle

One's identity is formed by who you are and what you are. Everyone is the product of their upbringing. Every persons identity is formed by the circles they belong to: friends, family, sports, school, hobbies, etc. But also your own 'inner circle': your character and the way you behave and react. Different circles with different backgrounds.

Some circles intersect or overlap each other. Some circles are somehow connected. Sometimes you are outside a certain circle and want to get in. Sometimes you are part of a circle you don't want to belong to and you want to break free. Other times you are removed from a circle you desperately want to be part of.

Circles change during time and one's position within a circle can change. You can choose your own position within the circle or your position is designated by others.

Some circles are controlled by you and in other circles you just follow the leader.

Every circle had influence on you identity and the way you behave.

Being not part of any circle is lonely and definitely has influence on you identity.


Hand dyed and hand printed cotton. Machine pieced and quilted.

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