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Cloth in Common: Round One—the Book is Now Available!

Cloth in Common founder Karol Kusmaul has created a book for purchase that shares the group’s journey through the first round of prompts. You can purchase your copy here.

The book’s introduction traces the group’s origin story, “By August of 2017, eleven artists had agreed to join Cloth in Common. A website and blog and calendar were created. We discovered online language translation applications! Themes and sizes, as well as the title of our group were discussed, debated, and agreed upon (through emails). It was decided that members would take turns presenting the group with a bimonthly artistic prompt. For our first round of prompts, we agreed to come up with themes that are UNUSUAL. Artists have two months to make a quilted response to the prompt given. We also take turns presenting a short essay of our thoughts about the prompt every week on our blog.

The book includes each prompt with a short essay from the artist who gave the prompt.

Cloth in Common's first round included the following eleven UNUSUAL prompts—












The book also features a single artist’s response to all the prompts. This is a collection of all of Eunhee Lee’s responses.

It also features all of the artists responses to an individual prompt. This is every artists take on the prompt WATER. This shows how differently each artist interpreted the same theme!

Cloth in Common Artists Round One

(follow the links to see more of each artist's work on their website)

Mikiko "Micky" Takase

The book also introduces Cloth in Common’s newest members who are currently participating in Round Two which has the over-arching theme of Community. (We hope you will visit their websites too.)

You can receive your very own copy of Cloth in Common: Round One on Amazon. Just follow the link. And enjoy!

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