Whirlwind began as my second response to the first Cloth in Common theme of ‘sound’. I thought about how songs are like a round, and how...
Touch of wind and water
Somewhere in the sunshine, a soft wind blows. When it touches my skine, it gives me like a feeling of touching the silk. Such a touch...
The Gentle One
The Gentle One 29.5" x 40.5" @Colleen Kole 2017 Touch is a physical connection which, in turn, often leads to a heart and mind...
Biometric Touch
My inspiration came from my new laptop that I got at the same time Lisa posed her challenge to us. It has not only a touch screen and a...
Touch of Goldenrod
I had just purchased a Victorian crazy quilt, with its riot of silk, velvet, brocades and intricate embroidery stitches, when I read...
Touch Me
It was so obvious. Touch. The one thing artists don't usually let people do. Even artists that work with textiles because of their...